Support Otsus to Advance Information Technology in Papua

The next 2021 is an important year because there is an extension of the special autonomy program in Papua. Finance Minister of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani , promised that the nominal amount of the special autonomy fund would be increased. The special autonomy budget will focus on developing IT (information technology) facilities and others. Special autonomy is a program that makes Papua feel special, because of the government's attention. The form is not only in the form of funds but also in other powers such as governors and officials must be Papuans. There are also privileges for young people on Earth of Cendrawasih. They can enlist in the army through the special autonomy route. Ahead of the extension of special autonomy, the people in Papua are waiting very carefully. So far, they have enjoyed the special autonomy fund which is a scholarship, so that no children drop out of school. In 2021, the nominal amount of the autonomy fund disbursed will be greater than last year. ...